Types of Sleep Apnea

The breathing disruption creates an imbalance in the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the blood. The brain senses the imbalances and wakes the body to restart the breathing process, so you wake up struggling to breathe and making loud snoring or choking noises. Because you don’t always wake up completely, you may be unaware of the disorder.

The signs of sleep apnea may include:

  • Severe headaches early in the morning
  • Sleepiness during the day
  • Insomnia

There are two types: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when air cannot flow through the nose or mouth and the body is trying to breathe. This is more common and easier to treat. Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain fails to send signals to the breathing muscles.

Treatment Options

The process begins with tests to investigate, diagnose, and determine the best treatment method for the patient. Sleeping masks are often used to keep the airway open, but there are less intrusive methods. Dental devices that move the lower jaw forward may help prevent the tongue from blocking the air passage. These are gentle and easier to wear than the masks. Surgery that sections the lower jaw and moves the bone to hold the tongue forward offer a more lasting solution for many patients or Dr. Kinsey may suggest stopping habits that aggravate the disorder, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and using tranquilizers.

We are also pleased to offer the new innovative WatchPAT™ home sleeping testing device, which helps enable simple, accurate and fast sleep testing. You will work with a physician to diagnose your sleep apnea first. If you receive a diagnosis, your physician will work with Dr. Kinsey to determine if oral appliance therapy is the right alternative to CPAP for you.

We encourage you to contact us at (904) 826-4343 to have Dr. Kinsey recommend the best treatment option for you.